Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Little Catching Up and Oh, Baby!

Jordan Lake S.P., NC Feb. 1, 2019
Jordan Lake State Park, NC  (February 2019)
Time flies and before you know it it's the middle of March!  We've been busy after making our way from southwest Florida to Maryland the first week in February.  After stopping at Jordan Lake in North Carolina for several nights, and a visit with Cheryl, Darren & Ellie, we arrived in Maryland February 7th.  We caught some nice weather in NC and enjoyed a very quiet Jordan Lake State Park since there were not many campers there this time of year.

Gemma Caeli 2-22-19
Nursery all ready!
Arriving in Maryland we started Baby Watch 2019!  The weather has been up and down here and we have had a little snow a couple of times that didn't last long.  Who cares though, our new granddaughter, Gemma Caeli, arrived on February 22nd (which happens to be my Dad's birthday).  We couldn't be happier for Beth & Kevin!

 It wasn't an easy delivery for Beth, but all is well and Gemma weighed in at a healthy 10 lbs 4oz.  We are enjoying seeing Beth, Kevin and Gemma every day and helping out where we can.  We are planning on staying here until  the end of the month before going to the Florida panhandle for most of April, but will be back at the beginning of May for another visit before heading back to Michigan.

Beth, Ellie, Cheryl, Gemma
Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Darren and cousin Ellie came for a weekend visit and it was fun to see our two daughters with their own daughters!  Lots of fun times ahead for sure.  Looking forward to seeing the other two Michigan granddaughters (and parents) coming for a visit later this month.

After being here for a while we are able to find our way around better, find stores we like, restaurants, and alternate routes to our destinations.  The traffic here can be a challenge, but you just have to allow a little extra time and patience.  Luckily the park we are staying in is only about 5 miles from Beth and Kevin.

Cherry Hill Park, MD Feb 2019
We have been pleasantly surprised that staying in the RV in this colder weather has been fine.  When the temperature is below 40 degrees, we rely on the propane gas furnace and electric blanket at night and we have been very comfortable.

Cherry Hill Park, MD March 2019
Cherry Hill Park camping area
 We are staying at Cherry Hill Park, a large family owned park near College Park that offers several accommodation options.  They have full hook up RV sites, tent camping, cabin rentals, as well as a couple of larger vacation home rentals.  With the park located only 17 miles from the Washington DC National Mall, it's a nice option for visiting DC.  The park holds informational meetings for guest to help them plan their visit to area attractions, including how to maneuver the Metro Transportation System. 

For RVer's like us, the Park has their own propane truck that comes to the RV to fill the tank when needed.  This is a huge benefit not having to close everything up and drive somewhere to fill the propane tank.  This park is very well suited for longer stays and we are fortunate that it's located so close to Beth & Kevin. We will likely being staying here often when we visit.

Outing for frozen yogurt
Ready for March Madness!
With tax season in full swing, I have been able to continue my remote tax and accounting work.  I usually work in the mornings and then am free the rest of the day to spend with Beth, Kevin and Gemma. As the weather has turned nicer in the last couple of weeks, we have been out for short walks with Beth and Gemma and have enjoyed seeing signs of Spring.

Life is certainly good in the RV Lane! 

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