Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Friday, October 5, 2018

Adjusted Plans - Montana, Utah and Injury Update

Driving - Montana
Guess who is doing the driving?  With Jim's right ankle/leg out of service, I took over the driving and it has gone well.  I have driven some from the beginning; always saying I needed to be able to take over if something ever happened - not knowing something would actually happen.

Jim's new wheels
I have surprised myself a little and am feeling comfortable driving.  Jim coaches me when needed and navigates.  Driving in ND, MT & UT gave me some good experience hours in remote locations with little traffic.  Believe me, I prefer to be the passenger/navigator, so I will be happy when Jim returns to the driver's seat, but it's a good feeling to know I can fill in when needed.

We left Williston, ND after Jim's recheck with the doctor on 9/21.  The appointment went well; the exam and x-rays showed the ankle and leg starting to heal.  He was put in a boot and told not to put any weight on it for at least another 30 days.  It's a slow process and it is frustrating at times not being able to do what he is used to doing, but working through it.  We got Jim a knee scooter that works great - a nice alternative to crutches all the time.

Yellowstone River
From Williston, we headed south and west on Highways 85 & 16 meeting up with good old I-94 and eventually I-90.  This route follows the Yellowstone River that  flows from Yellowstone National Park as the longest undammed river in the lower 48 states eventually meeting up with the Missouri River.  Management of the precious water resources in the west, including decisions to dam rivers has always been highly debated.

Beartooth Pass Scenic Highway
We spent several days enjoying southern Montana before heading to Salt Lake City.  We stayed two nights in Red Lodge, MT, a ski town located just north of the MT/WY boarder.  Highway 212 heading southwest out from Red Lodge is designated as the "Beartooth Highway".  This 68 mile byway winds its way through southwest Montana and northwest Wyoming and leads into Yellowstone National Park at its Northeast Entrance. Thanks to brother & sister-in-law Milt & Linda for this suggestion!

Beartooth Pass Highway

Beartooth Pass Highway has been called "the most beautiful drive in America," by late CBS correspondent Charles Kuralt.  Because of heavy snowfall at the top, the pass is usually open each year only from mid May through mid October, weather conditions permitting.

Bear's Tooth - rock formation protruding near top
Driving up to the higher elevation, above the tree line, there were multiple mountain lakes, viewing points and hiking trails.

 We drove part of the highway through the mountain pass (Beartooth) and then returned to Red Lodge.

Top of the World Store

We stopped at a small store just beyond the pass proudly called "Top of the World".  This beautiful mountain road (with guardrails!) made for a perfect afternoon drive.  After spending another night farther west in Dillon, MT, we arrived in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City RV Park
Salt Lake City Airport
After much thought and consideration (due to Jim's injury), we decided to go ahead with our plans to fly from Salt Lake City to Raleigh as originally planned the last weekend in September.

Papa & Ellie
Not only did we get to see Cheryl, Darren and Ellie; we were able to attend the Strahley wedding as planned.  Between the knee scooter and "foldable" crutches we found on line, Jim maneuvered the airports with no problem.

The RV park in Salt Lake provided an extra layer of comfort in leaving the RV there as they took note of the days we would be gone and provided night security checks.  We  had a very nice visit in NC and am very glad we went.

Mormon Temple
Returning to Salt Lake City, we wanted to take in some of the sites and learn more about the area.  We visited Temple Square, site of the Mormon Temple, Park City (2002 Winter Olympic ski events),  and The Great Salt Lake.  We took scenic drives in the Wasatch Mountains surrounding the Salt Lake Valley.

Temple Square, a large 10 acre area in the middle of downtown,
Guardsman Pass
is home of the Mormon Temple and numerous other buildings of the Church.  There are several visitor centers and beautiful landscaped grounds.  The South visitor center has a Temple replica giving you an idea of what the inside of the looks like, since there is no public access to the Temple.

Guardsman Pass Scenic Backway
The drive we took to Park City, about 30 miles east of Salt Lake City, included "Guardsman Pass Scenic Backway". We were so happy to see the Aspen trees that were turning golden mixed in with pines and other trees.

Park City, UT
Guardsman Pass
The views were great and as we got closer to Park City we noticed the large ski resorts in the area.  The town of Park City has a very nice main street with shopping and restaurants.  We had to walk in the "Roots" store and enjoyed ice cream at the Java Cow.

 On our last day in Salt Lake City, we drove to a local favorite restaurant that has been open since 1934 - Ruth's Diner, located about 10 miles east of Salt Lake City in Emigration Canyon.  Very good restaurant famous for breakfast; they are also open for lunch and dinner.

GSL - looking at Antelope Island
Great Salt Lake
We decided to drive west of the city to The Great Salt Lake State Park situated on the south end of the 75 mile long lake and largest west of the Mississippi.  It's a scenic setting with the mountains in the background.

Great Salt Lake
There is not a lot of development around the Lake and we read that there are no fish in the lake due to the salt content being 4 to 8 time higher than the oceans.  It is a shallow lake, but recreational boating is popular.  There are several State Parks around the lake, including Antelope Island State Park.  Antelope Island is a large island known for wildlife, including bison, bighorn sheep, deer and antelope.

Leaving Salt Lake City, we will be heading south to Las Vegas.  Looking forward to meeting up with family - Karen & Anderson for a trip to several national parks, including the Grand Canyon.

John Muir, preservationist and early advocate of the western national parks, sums it up best!

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