Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Family Lunch

Family Lunch

We are grateful for family support during our transition. With great pride, we acknowledge our family.  We consider ourselves blessed and fortunate beyond our dreams to have three great children (Dan, Cheryl and Beth) who are grown and married to wonderful people (Christie, Darren and Kevin), 2 granddaughters (Anna and Megan) and another one on the way.  With them living in three different States, we cherish time with each of them and when we are all together.  We are looking forward to our travels that will include visits with all of them.  Their love, support and encouragement along with that of our extended family and friends have meant so much to us as we begin our new adventure.


  1. What a beautiful family you have! Awesome picture of all of you!! (and beautiful house :) )

  2. Have fun. I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures!! This is a great site!!


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