Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Monday, September 4, 2017

Lake Michigan with our Granddaughters

Dunes between Silver Lake & Lake MI
The week of August 21st we took a trip to the west side of the State and Lake Michigan with our granddaughters, Megan and Anna.  We stayed at the Charles Mears State Park near Pentwater.  The park was very nice and right on the lake.  We took day trips south about 12 miles to Silver Lake State Park and the sand dunes.  What a beautiful area.  We had a very good time, even though it was a little cool for August.  Megan and Anna want to go back next summer!

Silver Lake Sand Dunes Ride

This was a good test for us and the RV.  We cooked most of our meals in the RV or on the camp fire.  We tested out the oven in the RV and made some our favorites including Pumpkin Bread.  We towed the car and everything worked well.

We are now ready to head west on Wednesday, September 5th.  This will be our first long trip, heading to South Dakota and Colorado, before heading back to NC by the middle of October.


  1. Sounds fun! I'm glad everything went well on the test run. I'll look forward to reading about your travels through S.D. and CO. Enjoy and be safe!!

  2. How cool is this?! I LOVE the adventure blog -- thanks for the official invite to follow along with you intrepid travelers! Adventures in Retirement! You need to submit your story to the AARP magazine, for sure! Be safe out there; can't wait to read your next chapter. Looking forward to seeing you as you travel through NC. 'We'll leave the light on for you', as well as the offer of a comfy bed and hot shower! Be well. Love, melissa


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