Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Friday, September 15, 2017

Custer State Park, Black Hills, Mt. Rushmore

Well, this area of South Dakota got our respect and attention!  The southwest portion of the State had a lot to offer and we really enjoyed our time there.  We think Custer State Park rivals many National Parks.  Full of nature at its’ best, interesting landscape, wild animals, and great camp sites.  The Park also has numerous lodges and cabins, as well as restaurants and stores, nice accommodations for visitors who are not camping.  The town of Custer is very nice with several hotels, restaurants and a grocery store which we were in need of. 

Needles Highway
Sylvan Lake

We enjoyed the “Needles” area of  the “Black Hills”, just inside Custer State Park.  Scenic drives through interesting rock formations, including some one lane tunnels forged through the rock.  The “eye of the needle” was a highlight in this area.

Needles Eye Tunnel
Eye of the Needle

Then there is the well known National Monument,  Mt Rushmore.  I have a vague memory of coming here with my parents when I was young, but many improvements have been made over the years including a stone walkway, honoring the 50 states by flying the State flags, leading up to a prime viewing area for the monument.  There is an amphitheater and museum.

The Custer State Park camping sites are spacious, natural settings.  The Park has numerous camp grounds tucked in different locations around the park.  The small campgrounds we stayed at were around 20 sites, with sites big enough for our rig and full electric hookups.  Lots to see and do here. We definitely left with a greater appreciation of this area and plan to return in the future.

Yes, that is a buffalo hanging out by a camper
Sylvan Lake

Big Horn Sheep Ewes
 Did I mention wildlife?  Lots of sightings in this area; especially on "Wildlife Loop Road" in the southern part of Custer State Park.

Turkeys at the camp site

Burros in the road

Buffalo grazing near road

Buffalo in the road

Big Bull Buffalo walking by our car


  1. Every time I read one of your posts, I realize how little I know and how little I've seen of our great country. America really is beautiful in so many ways! Keep writing, continue sharing, and safe travels! ��

  2. Those are awesome pictures! It sounds like that area has way more to offer than the major attractions! Simply beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I love reading about your travels! I'm keeping notes! 😉 Enjoy & be safe!

  3. I love the Pictures and post. You are enjoying it all.
    I did see the west was going to get some snow so safe travels. Hope to see some of it myself someday.
    (the sites not the snow)


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