Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Monday, November 27, 2017

Motorhome/RV Living Update

Jordan Lake Parkers Creek Campground - late November
I have been wanting to write a post giving an update and status of our ongoing transition to RV/Motorhome living and I have found it more difficult than I expected.  Perhaps because our transition included more than becoming full time "RVers"; it's retirement, selling our home, and being away from family and friends in Michigan for a longer period for the first time.  Whatever the case, the last 3 months or so have been very good and we are learning a lot.  Here are some current thoughts and an update. 

Jordan Lake near campsite

As previously mentioned, we have been enjoying some extended time in North Carolina since mid October.  We started out at Jordan Lake State Park and then went to a private park closer to Raleigh for a month.  A few days before Thanksgiving, we moved back to Jordan Lake State Park - Parkers Creek Campground for a couple of weeks before we head to Michigan for Christmas. This location is closer to Cheryl's than where we were staying previously.  The scenery is better too.

We were fortunate to have the flexibility to come to North Carolina several weeks before the birth of our granddaughter, and even though she arrived a couple of weeks later than expected, there was no pressure to leave and we've been able to spend time here with Cheryl, Darren and Ellie.  At the same time, we have our own place to come home to at the end of the day. While traveling on the road with our home is great, we can also stay put near family for extended periods of time and still be at "home".

Overall, we are very pleased with the new lifestyle.  We feel like we still have a lot to learn and need to go through a whole year or more to better evaluate and reflect.  Since we have kept very busy, I have to say we haven't missed our jobs, just the friends and family.  The feeling of freedom from time restraints, home ownership responsibilities, along with the ability to drive to places we want to see in this beautiful country is everything I expected and more.  We have only scratched the surface.

Prodecotech E-Bike - "Stride" Model
E-Bikes:  Recently we made the decision to purchase electric assist bicycles.  From our travel experience so far, we think we can make good use of them, especially in the parks and small towns we visit.  After some research and test drives on these bikes, we were sold.  We chose bikes manufactured by Prodeco Tech with a rear hub motor powered by a Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery. The bikes can be operated just like a regular bicycle; equipped with 8 speeds and disc brakes.  The electric assist part can be used when needed with a turn of the throttle on the handlebar.  Depending on how much you use the motor, they have a range of 25-30+ miles per charge. 

Folding Bike model
Bike ride - Jordan Lake
One unique feature,  and a factor in our decision to buy from this manufacturer,  is they are "folding" bikes. The frame folds in half and we are able to transport them in our car or RV without the need for a bike rack.  Since these bikes are heavier than regular bikes, it would require a heavy duty rack probably attached to the RV.  This along with the bikes being out in the weather when we are traveling led us to consider the folding bike option.

Travel Planning:  When we are traveling, I still like to do quite a bit of planning.  I know part of the RV lifestyle appeal can be to go where the wind takes you and be spontaneous, but for us it hasn't been that easy.  Maybe we will get better at this as we gain more experience, but for right now we plan.  From looking at the driving routes we want to take, to where we want (or can) stay, to area attractions, we research and plan.  The biggest challenge for us has been finding spots to park that are available, can accommodate our size rig, and are reasonably priced.  Again, as we gain more experience I think this will get better.  We have already gotten some tips from other RVers.

We are a little picky on where we want to stay and we have come to enjoy having some amenities available most of the time. This is part of figuring it all out and I know we will get better at it and perhaps become more flexible. There are also seasonal crowds in some areas of the country that impact availability of RV sites especially on short notice.  Regardless of the park (National, State, local, or private) you have to plan ahead in certain areas at certain times.  All have different policies for reservations and cancellations.  Some you can book up to a year in advance, others 6 months; and there are various fees for cancellations (mostly nominal if you cancel far enough in advance).

Living in the RV:  The RV has performed well both mechanically and functionally.  We feel very comfortable and at ease both on the road and when parked.  I've included a few pictures for those who haven't seen our home, so you can get a feel for the space we have.  We tried to incorporate some familiar personal items into our limited space, especially pictures and small items we were used to having in our home. (Reminder - you can click on the pictures to enlarge.)

From household chores (cooking and laundry), to sleeping, to entertainment (TV's, satellite, internet) we have no complaints.  I'll say again, having the regular oven and washer/dryer has been wonderful.

On the mechanical side, we will be adding a steering damper before we go to Florida in January and we have also looked into a rear stabilizing system.  Both of these items will help with driving and rear sway; making going down the road easier and more comfortable.

When the weather is cold, it is a little bit of a challenge to keep a constant temperature throughout the RV, but with the two heating options (electric and propane), we stay comfortable.  This is one of the reasons we decided not to drive to Michigan in December; not completely sure how we would do in very cold Michigan temperatures.

Tentative Plans:  After we spend most of December in Michigan; we will return to North Carolina in early January, and then head to the Florida panhandle area until early March.  Looking ahead to 2018, we have tentative plans to visit the northeast (Arcadia National Park in Maine) in the late spring and heading west again in the late summer/fall. (Glacier National Park in Montana is high on the list, hopefully 2018 or 2019).  We will have a trip or two with our Michigan granddaughters over the summer as well as spending time during the year in Maryland, Michigan and North Carolina with family.  Doesn't get much better than that!

I plan on doing some posts from Florida; thanks to everyone for your interest.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are adapting very well to life on the road. So glad you are feeling comfortable with your decisions, enjoying your new life, and seeing our country!


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