Jim & Debbie Johnston - Full Time RVer's

Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving, Family & BABY!

Meet Ellie Meredith Brown

Parents: Darren & Cheryl (Johnston) Brown

As many of you know by now, our granddaughter arrived November 9th.  We waited patiently as she came a couple of weeks later than expected, but definitely worth the wait!  Ellie Meredith is doing very well and we are enjoying a little more time here helping out and spending time with Ellie and her parents.

The rest of the family from Michigan and Maryland came to NC for Thanksgiving.  So great to have everyone together.  A time to give Thanks! 

Uncle Dan
Aunt Beth & Uncle Kevin

Megan, Anna & Ellie

Aunt Christie

1 comment:

  1. Lots of love in these photos! Ellie is so lucky to be born into such a big, beautiful family!


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